Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A New Year a New Hobby

It's Christmas time and for the first year I'm not with my family doing Messiah singalongs and playing in the snow. Since there's no snow all (it's actually a drizzly, rainy day) and I've missed the singalong I thought I'd start a new tradition. As many of you know I'm a baker and many of my crafts are edible, though you wont be able to eat them (because they ship terribly badly exhibit A----->).
So I thought I'd start a blog documenting my fun craft projects through the year. This also ties into my new years resolution/year 1 goal to do a fun craft a week(-ish). Last week I made fun pinatas for some of you and this week I'm making a gingerbread Tardis and I hope to continue the trend though I know some of my projects may turn out badly and I can't promise those will make it up here. Some of my crafts will be silly and done in an hour, some may take more then one week to complete, but I want to do more of the fun ideas I come up with and I want to share them with my equally crafty friends and family. As with my Paris blog I will try to take pictures and post them.

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